I just completed a packaging design class, and for my final project, I had to design a multi-unit carrier that holds clear containers, and the graphics on the carrier and the labels has to relate to each other. We were instructed to take an existing carrier, add our own flair to it and create a new one. Things like net weight, nutrition facts and a bar code had to be included in the design. I studied energy drink designs and decided to convert a pack of Yoo-Hoo into a fictional chocolate energy drink. After much trial and error (emphasis on error), I was able to come up with a realistic looking design. My teacher had this to say:
You've done a great job developing your concepts for this project and creating a unified design for the bottles and carriers. I would definitely include this in your portfolio.I am still trying to catch up on sleep after all of this, but I'm thankful things turned out well in the end. On to the next class...
Great job!